Sharon Buckley, Director of Counseling - Bio
Sharon Buckley joined the Grafton High School counseling team in 2019 after spending 20 years at Marlborough High School in various roles. She holds a BS in Nutrition and Dietetics from Framingham State University, an MSEd in Health Education from Worcester State University and a CAGS from Fitchburg State University in Independent Studies: School Counseling. Counseling was a career change for Sharon, as she first worked as an out-patient nutrition counselor and corporate wellness coach. She then segued into education as a Food/Nutrition teacher, Health Education teacher and ultimately landed in school counseling, where she rose to a district leadership role. Energetic and enthusiastic, Sharon employs a collaborative and team-building approach in working to support all students. She enjoys time at the beach, cooking, reading and spending time with her husband, three children and 4 grandchildren.
John Patraitis, Guidance Counselor (Last Name Cars - I) - Bio

Kathy Egan, Guidance Counselor (Last Name Pets - Z) - Bio

Jennifer Laramee, College & Career Counselor

Laurie Rohan, Guidance Counselor (Last Name J - Petr)