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Main Theatre Page

The GHS Theatre program is an extracurricular activity for students interested in all aspects of theatrical performance. Each year, the program presents two full-scale productions: a Fall play and a Spring musical.  Students can perform on stage or work behind the scenes to bring these productions to life.
Show Info 2024-25


This Murder Was Staged, a murder mystery comedy play script by Patrick Greene and Jason Pizzarello
This Murder Was Staged
It's opening night of a brand-new mystery play, but just as the killer is about to be revealed, the body of the play's director falls onstage instead. In that moment, the theater becomes an active crime scene, and everyone from cast to crew to even the audience becomes a suspect. But how is the intrepid detective supposed to find the killer when everyone and their mother (literally) has a motive to want the demanding director gone? This Murder Was Staged is a fast-paced, backstabbing, backstage comedy from two of the writers of The Alibis and Rogues' Gallery. 
Cast of Characters (In order of appearance)
KEIRA GIMBAL – Lead actress/Lucy Savere. The leading lady and she’ll do anything to keep it that way. Always cold. (Wears a dress and sunglasses.)
TAYLOR FRANKLIN – Supporting actress/Carla Veneer. Ambitious attention seeker. Desperately wants a bigger role in everything whether it’s a play or a murder investigation. Accident prone. (Always over-dressed to impress.)
MARK TRUMBALL – Supporting actor/Professor Zrak. A rule follower, nervous, happy to have a role, and wishes they were getting back on track. Wears a sweater vest, and always seems to be retucking his shirt. (As the professor, glasses.)
THORNTON JACKSON – Lead actor/Dash McCann. Has no idea he’s as dumb as a rock. (As Thornton, he always wears a jaunty hat. As Dash, he wears a scarf, and is constantly throwing it over his shoulder.)
SUZANNA PHILLIPS – Supporting actress/Martha Will. An old pro who never got her shot at the lead. Bitter and over it all and can’t believe she’s surrounded by so many idiots. (Wears a sweater and comfortable pants. She’s ready to go home.)
TRUDY MITCHELL – Stage Manager. Sarcastic but honest. (Wears a headset.)
DETECTIVE DRAKE – A police detective. No nonsense. (Wears a trench coat.)
SINCLAIR HEMMINGS – Director. Does anyone like him? (Wears turtlenecks.)
JASON GREENE – Playwright. A bit…scattered (Completely unkempt.)
GRETA CRANSTON – Producer/Owner. Always trying to make a buck. (Wears shoulder pads.)
CONSTANCE FLUGELBERT – Theatre Donor. Severe. (Hasn’t changed styles since the 40s.)
HAROLD BUND – Set designer. Very angry. (Wears overalls.)
SYLVIA LAFEVRE – Lighting designer. Also very angry. (Wears vibrant colors.)
SCOUT TATUM – Costume designer. Again, very angry. (Wears something that flows.) 
ALWYN GREY – Choreographer. You guessed it! Angry. (Wears tights.)
SAMMY MULVANEY – Marketing Director. Angry, indeed. (Wears a smart suit.)
XANDER BELL – Telemarketer. Rather pleasant, actually. (Wears a shirt and tie.)
CARL P. CUSTODIAN – The custodian. (Dresses like a custodian.)
DAME MAGRAFF – A local arts critic. (Wears a vest.)
CAST OF THE PEANUTS – Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Patty. (You’ll see.)
MARSHA HUMBOLT – Audience member. (Dresses casually.)
CAROL HUMBOLT – Another audience member, her sister. (Also dresses casually.)
Student Contract
Please click on the link provided and fill out Student Contract Fall 2024 (Click on switch account under the email area if needed for it to pop up correctly for your Gmail.) This contract will inform you about our policies for attendance, expectations, and conduct. In this form, we ask that you document any known schedule conflicts and/or previous commitments. You will need a new contract for each production.
Student Information Form

Please fill in the following forms based on your interest in the fall play. (Click on switch account under the email area if needed for it to pop up correctly for your Gmail.) These forms will give us your contact information, your parent's contact information, and your interest in participating in GHS theatre. A new form will need to be filled out for each production. 

Forms will appear below, please scroll down.

Cast Student Info Google Form to fill in prior to auditions

Cast Form for Fall Play 2024


Crew Student Info Google Form to fill in prior to the Crew Meet & Greet

Crew Info Form Spring Musical 2025

Please click on the link to access the audition materials. Choose two monologues and one scene. We encourage you to choose different characters for the monologues than the scenes.  
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